Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Why are Zombies Popular?

Zombies, mindless animals that think only of eating flesh. What’s the hype with these rotting corpses? Why does everyone seem to be into zombies? There are so many different reasons that zombies get the reaction that they do, from the possibility of zombies being real to people wanting to be able to kill “morally”.
One big thing that makes zombies so popular is the fact that zombies, or a zombocalypse, may be in humanity’s future. When looking at the causes of zombies, they range from radiation (Night of the Living Dead), to a genetic virus (Resident Evil), to Haitian voodoo (White Zombie). While radiation is not viable, as proved by Chernobyl, the other causes are perfectly viable. The fact that they are viable, unlike the scientifically impossible vampires or shape shifters, makes them that much more appealing. 
The other key factor to zombie popularity is the fact that people have the inherent wanting to kill or do violence to others. The only thing that stops us is that it is morally wrong. With zombies however, it is ok. It is not like killing another person, where you will have social repercussions, along with legal ones. The anarchy created by the zombies makes all preconceived rules evaporate. In Night of the Living Dead, the cops go on a killing spree, finishing the “walkers”. They end up shooting the protagonist Ben, an ALIVE human. No repercussions, they don’t even bother checking to see if they messed up and killed someone they shouldn’t have.

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