The film Persepolis is one that is unique in its
design and story line. My personal reaction to it was a mix of slight kinship
to disgust. I felt some horror at parts as well. I felt a great deal of kinship
to Marji when she was talking to the men at her high school, about how she
shouldn’t be required to wear a skirt because it would interfere with her
learning in her art classes. Her “spunky” factor made me relate to her. Not
necessarily with her taste in music, I personally abhor Iron Maiden and Michael
Jackson, but I think the appeal came more for the shock factor, which I
definitely understand. I felt disgust when watching her be distraught and live
on the streets because of her boyfriend’s idiocy. She shouldn’t have let him
have that much power over her, it was unacceptable. Finally, I felt horror at
the mention of her Grandmother’s breasts; I personally didn’t need that mental
image in the slightest. My ending feelings on the film are that it was alright,
but I won’t die if I don’t have to see it again.